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The Speed of Trust

Many racialized people do not trust academic or medical institutions, and they have tragic justifications for their distrust. Abuse, neglect, exploitation, and oppression are stark legacies of universities, hospitals, and research institutions across the country. The Center for Antiracism Research for Health Equity (CARHE, pronounced "care") aims to build trust with the people who have faced the worst of racism, authentically engaging with racialized communities and building mutually empowering relationships.

To do our antiracism research, engagement, and advocacy the right way, we need to move at the speed of trust. This means time, dedication, and stability as we do the work of the present and build a foundation for the future. Giving to CARHE — at any level! — is a way you can support our mission to achieve health equity for all people.

Join The Movement

Structural racism is a public health crisis, but it is also a fixable problem! Supporting our work is one way to be a part of the solutions. Please consider giving a gift, and reach out to Kathryn Tjaden Balster (she/her) at [email protected] to learn more.

This page was last updated on Wednesday, 2024 Jul 10.

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