Withdrawing and Withholding: Distinctions and Controversies in End of Life Care

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Surveys report that 60% of physicians feel that it is more ethically problematic and psychologically difficult to withdraw life-sustaining interventions than to withhold them (Chung et al). Is there a meaningful ethical difference between withdrawing and withholding treatment at the end of life? How should clinicians navigate disagreements surrounding life sustaining interventions at the end of life? This talk explores the ethical nuances of withdrawing or withholding life sustaining treatments. Through case studies exploring artificial nutrition and hydration, cardiac implantable devices, and mechanical ventilation, participants will gain an understanding of the ethics of withholding and withdrawal and their applications to clinical practice.


Jaime Konerman-Sease, PhD, HEC-C, Clinical Ethics Assistant Professor, Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota

Justin Penny, DO, MA, HEC-C, Clinical Ethics Assistant Professor, Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota

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